Stethoscoop etc


The team begins with GP J.J. Stam, who did his General Practice training in the UK.
We also work with locum GPs Yasmin Farah Cawale, Grytha Sikkema and Rogier Elburg.

Our Practice Nurse Alien Geerts treats people with high blood pressure, high cholestorol levels, asthma, COPD or diabetes.

For psychological problems the General Practitioner can refer you to our Counselor Ingrid van der Deen.

Janou Oostindiër works as a Children/Youth Counselor (only after referral from the GP).

Three Receptionists (Aleida Groothoff, Wicky de Haan, Ingrid Schelling and Yentl Smit) work part-time at the practice.

Yvonne de Rapper works part-time as manager.

On alternate days Pol works to help the receptionists.


More information about us


General Practitioner, Stam

General Practitioner, Stam

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Practice Nurse, Alien Geerts

Practice Nurse, Alien Geerts

Monday and Thursday Mornings and Friday

Counselor, Ingrid van der Deen

Counselor, Ingrid van der Deen

Monday Afternoon and Wednesday

Janou Oostindiër

Janou Oostindiër

Wednesday or Thursday afternoon
Receptionist, Aleida Groothoff

Receptionist, Aleida Groothoff

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Morning

Receptionist, Wicky de Haan

Receptionist, Wicky de Haan

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Receptionist, Ingrid Schelling

Receptionist, Ingrid Schelling

Receptionist, Yentl Smit

Receptionist, Yentl Smit

Varying days


On alternate days

Manager, Yvonne de Rapper

Manager, Yvonne de Rapper
